Danesh Aesthetics and Dermatology
Dr.M. Danesh N.D, M.D (IMG)
Kuldeep Mann NP
(OHIP and Extended Health Benefits)
Happiness comes from looking and feeling healthy
Dr.Danesh ND

Can Subcision Remove Acne Scars in Just 2-3 Sessions?
There is no energy machine to open up the fibrous bands when a scar tissue formed inside our skin where acne scars or even accident scars are located. Therefore, acne scars should be treated from inside the skin where the hard, fibrous bands are formed. It is Posssible now to remove acne scars in 2-3 sessions of Subcision.

Dear All,
Overproduction of testosterone (or the excessive conversion of testosterone to 5α-DHT ) may lead to excessive sebum production, which, in turn, may increase the risk of inflamed sebaceous glands. This can trigger an acne outbreak.
Many people experience frequent acne breakouts during puberty when testosterone levels start to rise.
Sebaceous glands beneath your skin produce the oily substance known as sebum. Your face contains the highest concentration of these glands. However, sometimes they are more concentrated in the chest, shoulders, or back.
Many of your sebaceous glands are concentrated around hair follicles. Sometimes these follicles can become blocked with sebum, dead skin cells, and other particles.
When this blockage becomes inflamed, you get elevated bumps that are commonly referred to as acne.
Changes in your body’s secretion of sebum are thought to be one of the contributing factors that can lead to acne and eventually could cause Scarring including KELOID SCARRING!
Aesthetic medicine has a lot to offer to address the ACNE BREAKOUTS locally as seen in our patient's pictures. However, treatment of KELOID has never been easy, and our patient's condition is still progressing.
I believe we should diagnose the underlying disease and address it along with aesthetic procedures.

Dear All,
You are in the right place If;
1)you are willing to treat your Acne breakout whether it is cystic or simple Acne and despite all attempts to resolve them using many products, you get only partial or no results.
2)you are not pro-medication since you know they have many side effects.
3)you are not sure about what to do to resurface your acne scars or get rid of hyperpigmentation (skin discoloration).
This quick post may help you resolve your concern with the help of your private/work insurance.
Well, In most cases your extended insurance benefits will be enough to cover the cost of your optimal health and skin restoration!
Most of these interventions are natural with minimal risks whether it is through machines or natural medicine recommendations, in fact, a big part of the treatment is a series of different forms of non-surgical treatment/prevention which we all know is better than medications and temporary results.
#acne #acneskincare #acne_scars #scars #skincare #skin #dermatology

Dear All,
Sometimes acne scars or other forms of scars could turn into deep indentations as we age. With aging, we lose underlying fatty tissue (as a result of fat displacement), ligament support, and connective tissue. In this case, we should act fast to address the issue like our client in the picture. So not only acne scars are not resolved on their own, they may contribute to a deep line or volume loss later in life.
The good news is that once the skin resurfaced, the indentations (Scars) would not come back.
The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

Dear All,
Warts are skin lesions caused by infection with the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Over 70 HPV subtypes are known.
Common warts:
Happens mainly due to HPV 2.
Present as firm papules with a rough surface
Most commonly found on the backs of the hands and fingers but can occur anywhere.
Infection occurs by direct or indirect contact
A damaged epithelial barrier greatly increases the risk of inoculation:
Plantar warts transmitted from swimming pools due to the rough surfaces abrading the skin of the feet
Periungual warts in patients who bite their fingernails
Shaving spreads warts over the beard area
New warts may develop along the sites of trauma, this is known as the Koebner phenomenon
The incubation period ranges from a few weeks to over a year.
Most Common Treatments:
Cryotherapy: For common warts in adults and older children, cryotherapy (freezing) is the most common treatment. This treatment is not too painful. It can cause dark spots in people who have dark skin. It is common to need repeat treatments that is why we rather treat our chronic wart patients with the Electrosurgery(RF electrocautery).
Electrosurgery: Electrosurgery is a good treatment for common warts, filiform warts, and foot warts.
The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship.

My Dear Friends:
Did you know one of the researched causes of Acne is Food Sensitivity?
Food sensitivity has two general form
1) Immediate hypersensitivity like peanut allergy which could cause angioedema
2) Delayed IgG hyperreactivity which is an immune process that leads to inflammation, that may contribute to Acne and/or some other health issues such as Alopecia areata, Migrain IBS , IBD and other forms of Autoimmune diseases. Therefore my Acne treatment recommendation is to treat the patient internally by addressing
1)Hormonal imbalance
2)Check delayed IgG hyperreactivity test results and eliminate the causative foods
And of course
3) focal treatment of Acne
In most cases of resistant acne, when the test is done and patient eliminates the hyperactive foods treatment is easier faster and more effective.
Below is a 21 years old lady with severe breakout as you can see in before picture who has been healed with both local treatment, Balancing the reproductive hormones and specific diet according to her food sensitivity test results.
For instance here is the link to connection between
a specifoc food and Acne in teenagers.

Should we do a hair transplant or not?
What are the prerequisites to become a good candidate?
Are there other options that work as well or even better?
These are questions you may ask yourself at some point in your life.
1) Patients who have a specific disease on their scalp should first address it with their physician. For example patients with
Seborrheic dermatitis which is an inflammatory disease of the skin/ scalp, should first seek help for their current condition and then consider hair restoration procedures. It certainly is your physician's duty to let you know your options for treatment.
2) There are some downsides after receiving a hair transplant as follows:
A) Failure of growth of transplanted hair
B)Plug-like appearance which is odd and not pleasant.
C)Donor area scar tissue which is mostly on the back of the head but in Robotic procedure is less visible.
D) postoperative depigmentation in the recipient area.
According to the retrospective study in 2014 please find a complete list of postoperative complications of hair transplant in the following link:
Here is my 57 years old patient before and after Non-surgical (No hair transplant) hair restoration treatment. Please notice the hair shafts which are much thicker than the first session and middle session and the volume is almost 2 times more at the end.
She doesn't need to hide her hair under a wig as she was doing before she comes to our clinic.
I am so very much happy for her.
Dear All:
Now you can apply for one of our Medical Aesthetics Courses which is approved by the Ministry of Education in Canada.
Dr, Danesh, ND, MD(IMG) is teaching all courses with his assistants.
To receive more information and the application form please email us at
Call us at 416 602 4020 to receive an application form.
Dear All:
1) Eczema
Ultimate integrative treatment for most types of eczema without using corticosteroids eventually is here. Corticosteroids are drugs with important side effects such as (a)skin thinning, (b) a higher tendency to have the same disease back with more severity in wider areas of your body by weaning them off. Osteoporosis and osteopenia, weight gain, changing body shape ( making a hump on your upper back and so on.
Hopefully, you would spread the word.
If you need more info contact Danesh Aesthetics Clinic at 416 602 4020
2) There is a difference between health and optimal health when you wake up in the morning and you feel not refreshed or when you feel a need to take a long nap in the middle of your work as the level of your energy is going down in the afternoon or if the healing process of a cut on your skin is long and usually leaves scars or when your nails are not growing as fast as before or even if your eyebrows are less prominent as they are falling for no obvious reason, but you are considered as a “healthy” person because your lab tests are all “normal”. The word normal here has a definition. A lab test is considered normal when the results are within a range of numbers from lower limit to upper limit and this has been designed according to 90% of the normal population but signs and symptoms are far more important.
The great body and mind ability for adaptation and internal power of self-healing gives us a chance to temporarily overcome our lack of energy, minimal bodily pain, or other minor health issues; however, our body and mind need help.
So what should we do to resume our optimal health?
The best bet is to take minor health issues seriously and seek help from a caring physician.
Since patient compliance is always a big challenge for both healthcare practitioners and patients according to the study published in Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management journal “Mutual collaboration between healthcare professional and patient fosters greater satisfaction, reduces the risks of nonadherence, and improves patients' healthcare outcomes.”
How would you cover the cost of these so to speak luxury medicine?
Well, your complementary insurance benefits will be enough to cover the cost of your optimal health and well-being through naturopathic medicine. Most of these medical interventions are natural and risk-free, in fact, they are all different forms of PREVENTION which we all know is better than treatment!

My Dear Friends:
Did you know one of the researched causes of Acne is Food Sensitivity?
Food sensitivity has two general form
1) Immediate hypersensitivity like peanut allergy which could cause angioedema
2) Delayed IgG hyperreactivity which is an immune process that leads to inflammation, that may contribute to Acne and/or some other health issues such as Alopecia areata, Migrain IBS , IBD and other forms of Autoimmune diseases. Therefore my Acne treatment recommendation is to treat the patient internally by addressing
1)Hormonal imbalance
2)Check delayed IgG hyperreactivity test results and eliminate the causative foods
And of course
3) focal treatment of Acne
In most cases of resistant acne, when the test is done and patient eliminates the hyperactive foods treatment is easier faster and more effective.
Below is a 21 years old lady with severe breakout as you can see in before picture who has been healed with both local treatment, Balancing the reproductive hormones and specific diet according to her food sensitivity test results.
For instance here is the link to the connection between
a specific food and Acne in teenagers.

Dear All,
If you have breakouts, low libido (sexual desire), chronic fatigue, and other symptoms of hormonal imbalance and your lab results show your hormones within the normal range, do not consider your hormones as optimal or normal!!
Minimal hormonal changes could cause a broad spectrum of signs and symptoms from acne to droopy thinning hair or skin( causing cellulite) and droopy thin muscles to low mood and feeling tired most of the days.
There are always natural products that could balance your hormones such as Chaste tree berry, Cimicifuga racemosa, Blue cohosh, and Avena Sativa in tincture or capsule form.
Chaste tree berry is more progesterone and the rest is more estrogenic.

Dear All,
How reliable are blood tests to diagnose hormone-dependent diseases?
One of the issues that are always being questioned is the accuracy of medical tests. Which tests for checking female or male hormones are the most accurate tests currently?
Some of the reasons for which hormones should be checked include:
1)Different types of face and body Acne,
2)A sensible change in individual behavior and mood
3)Perimenopause signs and symptoms
4)PMS premenstrual symptoms
5)hair loss
6) Hirsutism (extra hair growth) and other causes ...
In most cases, these blood tests are just a short moment from the daily serum levels and are not worth much.
However, there is an accurate test for the past 2 years called
♤DUTCH Test♤ (dried urine test for comprehensive hormones)
which reflects the 24-hour changes in the hormones and their metabolites in the urine.
Also, there is a form of laboratory test measuring the hormones in which saliva is used as a specimen at four different times of the day.
In certain cases such as PCOD in which the patient has multiple cysts in her ovaries, other indices should be measured to predict both fertility and the efficacy of treatment.
So, for example, applying a hair removal laser for hirsutism is not always recommended unless we have reliable hormonal lab test results.
Therefore a single blood test does not give us a definitive answer to diagnose the underlying illness.
The good news is:
Currently, we have great tools to detect and track treatment of hormonal imbalances.